Video Transcript
Has COVID made sales difficult? What’s the solution? : Video Script
Hey, this is Kapil Khangaonkar. Welcome to sales Street a series of new insightful videos on sales, lead gen, and marketing.
I hope you guys enjoy watching it and learn something from it, thank you.
The uncovered pandemic situation has definitely affected sales. It has become more difficult for sales guys to find their prospects, talk to them, and meet them. You typically have about five ways in which you can reach your customers or prospects.
First is of course emailing, second is calling, third is LinkedIn, fourth is your face-to-face meetings, and fifth is events in the in today’s situation face-to-face events are almost non-existent they’re starting to pick up again but it’s still very slow you can’t really walk into anybody’s office and meet people because again not sure if people are still working from the office or home.
So face-to-face meetings are still not as much available as they used to be earlier so as a whole sales objective you have to heavily rely on the first three ways of reaching out which are emailing, calling, and Linkedin.
So, you know all of these three basically come at their own costs again, not in terms of the money you’re spending on it but the amount of time you spend on it. so emailing is the cheapest one so you should do as the first round of communication you must do all the emailing shortlist the customers who are actually interested in talking with you out of those emails people have clicked on the link people have power in those emails seen the pages and come on the website all of those are then shortlisted for calling and then further calling is done calling is further followed by LinkedIn follow-ups so on this order of preference if you keep you should be able to reach out to the customers smoothly and you know there are plenty of platforms available who can help you out in doing this process very correctly and that will actually help you reach out to your customers more effectively in this pandemic situation.