Sales Street Videos

What is account-based marketing
Account-based marketing? Explained By Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

Account-based marketing is a marketing strategy in which the marketing and sales team work together to target best-fit accounts that can be turned into customers.

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What's the Future of cold calling
Is cold calling still work? What’s its future?

On the contrary, it has been found that a large number of prospects, especially in technology and professional services, respond well to cold calls.

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How to Understand the buyer's intent
Different signals in understanding the buyer’s intent.

B2B Buying Intent Signals to Close More Sales Deals As sales professionals, we understand the worth of finding companies that have a genuine need for our products, services, or solutions.

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Whats the Difference between SQL and MQL
What are SQLs and how it is different from MQL?

An MQL is typically defined by the sales and marketing team based on the customer lifecycle. But, broadly, an MQL is an individual who is interested in buying your products or services but is not yet absolutely ready to buy.

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Rejection in sales
Dealing with Daily Sales Rejections? Learn Resilience and Motivation Strategies

A Sales job is no easy task, and there is a lot more science to it than what meets the eye. A good salesperson is someone who offers more than an excellent pitch.

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Has Covid made sales difficult
Has COVID made sales difficult? What’s the solution? Explained By Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

The novel coronavirus or COVID 19 has most people locked inside their homes, owing to complete or partial lockdowns in major economies around the globe

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What's the relationship between sales and marketing
What’s the relationship between Sales & Marketing? Explained By Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

However, both sales and marketing share a common goal: to create brand awareness, attract prospects, close deals, and generate revenue.

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how to create a sales funnel for a b2b company
Sales Funnel Defined: Learn Crafting B2B Funnels Efficiently

Any business that has an online presence knows how important a sales funnel is to its unhindered operation and continued survival.

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What is the journey of a qualified lead
What is the Journey of a Qualified lead? Answered by Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

The first step in a buyer’s journey is identifying their challenge. Once the individual or business becomes aware of their need, and if it matches what your product or service offers, they become your leads β€” someone who may eventually become a client.

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Challenges in Sales Job
Defining Sales & Exploring Its Tough Challenges.

The sales ecosystem is overrun with several challenges. Sales representatives have to often deal with ample amounts of negativity on a regular basis

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Future of AI in Sales
Future of AI in Sales? Explained By Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

AI can transform B2B sales and marketing by predicting consumer behavior based on available consumer data and past actions.

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The evolution of lead generation
The Evolution Of Lead Generation, Explained By Kapil Khangaonkar-Clodura.AI

Lead generation has long been a critical component for businesses. When implemented successfully, lead generation strategies create solid relationships with qualified clients who are eager to invest in your business for a long time.

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