Integrate Salesforce CRM with Clodura Platform

If you are Salesforce CRM user, here are the steps to integrate it with your Clodura account.

How To Integrate Salesforce With Clodura?

  1. Create your account
  2. Login to your account with Salesforce CRM
  3. Authorised to Salesforce
  4. Field Mapping
  5. Add to CRM
  6. Done!

Login To Your Salesforce Account

With your paid version of Salesforce account, login with your existing email id. Next, authorize your Salesforce account with Clodura.AI.

Login | Authorize Salesforce to Clodura.AI Suite

  1. Login to Clodura.AI suite
  2. Go to Setting -> CRM Integration
  3. Authorized to Salesforce (Click on “Authorize” button down to Salesforce logo.)

Salesforce Field Mapping with Clodura

  1. Now Map your contacts and company fields.
  2. Click on “Mapping” button, you can see the mapping button down side of Salesforce logo, next to “Authorize” button.

Field Mapping for Salesforce

  1. Company Field Mapping and Contact Field Mapping section opens up.
  2. Company Name, Name and Email are mandatory fields (Note: No two fields should be same).
  3. Click on “Save” button.

Enable Your Salesforce Account

  1. Now, click on radio button to make your sales force account enable.

Select the Companies/Contacts

  1. In order to add the companies and contacts to the CRM, finalize and select the companies/contacts.
  2. Next, click on “Export to CRM” button.

Select Owner for Salesforce

  1. Now, You can see the owner list.
  2. Select owner and click on “Ok” button.

All Done! See all your Companies & Contacts

Finally, you can see all your Companies & Contacts in your Salesforce account integrated with Clodura.AI.

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