Integrate Zoho CRM with Clodura Platform

If you are Zoho CRM user, here are the steps to integrate it with your Clodura account.

How to Generate Zoho API Credentials?

  1. Create your Zoho CRM account
  2. Add or Join a Company
  3. Generate Zoho – API
  4. Add Zoho API Key
  5. Done!

Login To Your Zoho Account

With your paid version of Zoho account, login with your existing email address.

Go to Developer Console

  1. As a new user, you will be navigated to ZOHO CRM Dashboard.
  2. On Zoho platform, to get the Client ID and Client Secret – visit to
  3. Login with existing email ID.
  4. Cick on ‘Get started‘ button, and you will be on API console.

Create Self Client

  1. To get API Credentials, click – ‘Self Client’ button.
  2. Window for creating API Credentials will open up.
  3. Now Select self client and Click on Create.
  4. Click on Ok.
  5. You will get Client ID and Client Secret.

Generate the Grant Token

  1. To generate the Grant Token in ZOHO Accounts, Click on ‘Generate code’.
  2. Add Scope –ZohoCRM.modules.all,ZohoCRM.users.all,,ZohoCRM.settings.all,aaaserver.profile.READ,ZohoCRM.settings. profiles.ALL (This scope is provide by Clodura)
  3. Select time duration (You can to change expiry minutes from 3 minutes up to 10 minutes).
  4. Add Scope description- Users,Modules,Settings,Org Scopes
  5. Click On “CREATE” button.

Select the Production

  1. Once you click on the “Create” button, you will be redirected to the CRM webpage.
  2. Click On CRM.
  3. Now click on Production as a “Clodura”.
  4. Click on “CREATE” button again.

Copy and Download the Grand Token

  1. See your token is generated.
  2. Copy or download the code to add it to Cloudra.

Login and Paste API Key to Integrate CRM With Clodura.AI

  1. Login to Clodura.AI
  2. Go to Setting and then CRM Integration
  3. Toggle button below Zoho icon
  4. Paste the API Key copied from Zoho here
  5. Click on “Save” button.

Successfully Connected To Zoho

  • You can see the pop-up once Zoho is connected to the Clodura suite.
  • Click on “Ok” button.
  • Note: Grant Token needs to be generated every time there is change in ClientID/Secret. And is only valid for 3,5 and 10 minutes depending on respective selection of Expiry Time during generation of Grant Token.Note: Grant Token needs to be generated every time there is change in ClientID/Secret. And is only valid for 3,5 and 10 minutes depending on respective selection of Expiry Time during generation of Grant Token.

    Company and Contact Field Mapping

    1. Company Field Mapping and Contact Field Mapping section opens up
    2. Company Name, Name and Email are mandatory fields (Note: No two fields should be same)
    3. Click on “Save” button.
    4. Once the field mapping is successfully done, the pop-up window appears to notify. Click on “Ok” button.

    Export Contact to CRM and Assign Owner

    To export data to Zoho CRM;

    1. Go to Contacts or Companies then saved Companies or Contacts
    2. Now, click on companies to search for your ideal buyer.
    3. Select the companies and click on ‘Add to CRM’ button.
    4. Select Owner and click on “Ok” button.
    5. You will get success message that your companies are queued.

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