
Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias

(Government Administration)

, Bolivar, Colombia
revenue-icon Revenue
501M - 1B
funding-icon Total Funding
size-icon Size
5001 - 10000

About Us

The Office of the Mayor of Cartagena, William Dau. Working to end corruption in Cartagena de Indias and bring an end to extreme poverty. We have a bilingual mayor and a bilingual city. Its time you came to visit and be part of the change taking place in the most stimulating city in the Caribbean. +Transparency = +Prosperity (for everyone). Step 1. Stop the Stealing Break the chains of corruption that have held the city back for decades. Step 2. Create the Team Build a team based on trust between all the stakeholders in Cartagena - politicians, residents, businesses, visitors Step 3. Make Things Better (For Everyone) Build resilience and then watch the city flourish when we all work together towards a common goal

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Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias Org Chart

No data available


Total Employees:
Top Contacts:
C-Level 1 VP - Level4
Director10 Manager19

Employees Working At Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias


Sergia Frias

Jefe de seguridad salud ocupacional y medioambiente


Myrna M

Jefe Oficina Jurdica Alcalda de Cartagena


Verena Guerrero

Jefe de la Oficina Asesora de Control Interno


Carmen Alvarado

Lider de programa


Jose Viana

Director Departamento Administrativo De Salud Distrital

Buyer Intent

Tech Stack Used By Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias

Jobs at Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias

No jobs available

Competitors of Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias

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Frequently Asked Questions About Alcaldia de Cartagena de Indias

What does Alcaldia de cartagena de indias do? +

The Office of the Mayor of Cartagena, William Dau. Working to end corruption in Cartagena de Indias and bring an end to extreme poverty. We have a bilingual mayor and a bilingual city. Its time you came to visit and be part of the change taking place in the most stimulating city in the Caribbean. +Transparency = +Prosperity (for everyone). Step 1. Stop the Stealing Break the chains of corruption that have held the city back for decades. Step 2. Create the Team Build a team based on trust between all the stakeholders in Cartagena - politicians, residents, businesses, visitors...

What is Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's industry? +

Alcaldia de cartagena de indias operates in the Government administration industry.

What is Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's HQ phone number? +

Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's HQ phone number is +57 5 6411370

What is Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's revenue? +

Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's revenue is 501m - 1b

What is Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's company size? +

Alcaldia de cartagena de indias has 5001 - 10000 employees.

What is Alcaldia de cartagena de indias's official website? +

cartagena.gov.co is the official website of Alcaldia de cartagena de indias.

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