
CeraCon GmbH


Weikersheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Specialities :
Sealing systems
Thermal systems
Geschäumte dichtungen
revenue-icon Revenue
101M - 500M
funding-icon Total Funding
size-icon Size
201 - 500

About Us

The German mechanical engineering company CeraCon GmbH was founded in 2000 and has got its head office in Weikersheim/Baden-Wurttemberg. Currently, CeraCon has got about 220 employees in different business areas working in Germany and abroad. The core business of CeraCon is selling, designing and manufacturing of standardized and customer-specific machines. The division Sealing systems is responsible for processing and applying foam gaskets directly to the components to be sealed as well as for developing and producing the corresponding adhesives and sealing compounds. The division Thermal systems comprises the heat treatment and buffering of components in horizontal and vertical design. Furthermore, CeraCon offers contract gasketing service and is able to apply foam to customer components in large or small series. Target industries are the automotive sector, the respective suppliers, the electrical and electronics industry as well as the white goods sector. More than 70% of the ...

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CeraCon GmbH Org Chart

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Total Employees:
Top Contacts:
C-Level 0 VP - Level5
Director- Manager2

Employees Working At CeraCon GmbH


Nadine Guttroff

Head of Business Administraton Service


David Stirmlinger

Teamleiter Maschinenbau


Jochen Schumm

Leiter Unternehmensentwicklung Head of Corporate Development


Daniel Hayn

Leiter Vertrieb Head of Sales


Felix Dopf

Head of Mechanical Engineering

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Frequently Asked Questions About CeraCon GmbH

What does Ceracon gmbh do? +

The German mechanical engineering company CeraCon GmbH was founded in 2000 and has got its head office in Weikersheim/Baden-Wurttemberg. Currently, CeraCon has got about 220 employees in different business areas working in Germany and abroad. The core business of CeraCon is selling, designing and manufacturing of standardized and customer-specific machines. The division Sealing systems is responsible for processing and applying foam gaskets directly to the components to be sealed as well as for developing and producing the corresponding adhesives and sealing compounds. The division Thermal systems comprises the heat treatment and buffering of components in horizontal and vertical design. Furthermore,...

What are Ceracon gmbh's specialties? +

Sealing systems,thermal systems,geschäumte dichtungen,schaumdichtungen,thermosysteme,industrieöfen,lohnschäumen,fipfg,abdichten,nvh,cerapur,ceraflow,ceratherm,foamply,and penguin foam

What is Ceracon gmbh's industry? +

Ceracon gmbh operates in the Machinery industry.

What is Ceracon gmbh's HQ phone number? +

Ceracon gmbh's HQ phone number is +49 7934 9928530

What is Ceracon gmbh's revenue? +

Ceracon gmbh's revenue is 101m - 500m

What is Ceracon gmbh's company size? +

Ceracon gmbh has 201 - 500 employees.

What is Ceracon gmbh's official website? +

ceracon.com is the official website of Ceracon gmbh.

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