SAP Experts in Finance, Treasury, Asset and Risk Management COMPIRICUS is one of the leading international consultants and vendors for treasury, asset and risk management applications primarily in the SAP TRM, SAP FAM and SAP CML environment. As an implementation and development partner, we are familiar with the SAP Treasury Management module (TRM), the SAP Financial Asset Management module (FAM) as well as the SAP Consumer Mortgage Loans module (CML) from the very first line of code and have been successfully helping renowned customers to design, implement and customize their systems for more than 20 years. For further information do not hesitate to contact us. COMPIRICUS gehort zu den international fuhrenden Beratern und Anbietern von Applikationen fur Treasury-, Asset-, und Risikomanagement mit den Schwerpunkten SAP TRM, SAP FAM und SAP CML. Als Implementierungs- und Entwicklungspartner kennen wir das SAP-Treasury-Management-Modul (SAP TRM), das SAP-Financial-Asset-Management-Modul (SAP FAM) sowie das SAP-Darlehensverwaltungs-Modul (SAP CML) von der ersten Line of Code an und begleiten seit uber 20 Jahren erfolgreich namhafte Unternehmen bei Konzeption, Implementierung und Customizing. US / Asia Contact COMPIRICUS Inc. +1.617.273-8045 EU / DE Contact COMPIRICUS AG +49 211 64949-300 View More