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CPI Books Deutschland Logo

CPI Books Deutschland


  • Revenue 501M - 1B
  • Size 501 - 1000
  • HQ Contact +49 30 403691721
  • Website

CPI is your book printing specialist in Europe. We can print and distribute your books in any format, any quantity View More

Book Printing Print... View More

People working in CPI Books Deutschland

Dirk Kowalewski
Chief Operating Officer d**************@******* ********2362
Katja Marxmeier
Head of Digital Services... k**************@******* ********2666
Gunter Estelmann
Head of Sales Sd... g***************@******* ********0988
Sebastian Schlegel
Head of IT s*****************@******* ********5490
Gunter Estelmann
Head of Sales Sd... g***************@******* ********2249
Sebastian Schlegel
Head of IT s*****************@******* ********4126
Rainer Witte
Manager Qualitt und Umwelt... r***********@******* ********4176
Nadine Mccartney
Sales Manager International n***************@******* ********4325
Stephan Petersen
Angestellter s***************@******* ********5452
Daniela Schwennsen
Sachbearbeiter d*****************@******* ********1741
Christopher Nissen
Logistiker C*****************@******* ********8309
Dirk Petersen
Buchbinder d************@******* ********8336
Hansgeorg Trentz
Verkaufsberater h***************@******* ********0313
Frank Lorenzen
Industriekaufmann f*************@******* ********1757
Rainer Ketelsen
Leitung Betriebstechnik r**************@******* ********2904
Bodo Magnnussen
Techniker b**************@******* ********7220
Mark Schnoor
m***********@******* ********6005
Juri Bindman
Angestellter j***********@******* ********4159
Bodo Magnnussen
Techniker b**************@******* ********3336
Patrick Priesmann
Vertriebsdirektor p****************@******* ********2943
Leve Johannsen
Sales Controlling l*************@******* ********1299
Katrin Nestler
Vertriebsmitarbeiter k*************@******* ********3753
Franziska Bolte
Kaufmnnische Hilfskraft Abteilung Einkauf... f**************@******* ********0041
Christine Andresen
Abrechnungsspezialistin c*****************@******* ********9969
Annika Thomsen
Holstein Deutschland Purchaser a*************@******* ********3590
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Products & Technologies used at CPI Books Deutschland

Google analytics Excel
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Frequently asked questions about CPI Books Deutschland

  1. What does CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's do?
    CPI is your book printing specialist in Europe. We can print and distribute your books in any format, any quantity
  2. What are CPI Books Deutschland's specialities?
    Book printing print demand
  3. What is CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's industry?
    Cpi books deutschland operates in Printing industry.
  4. What is CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's HQ phone number?
    Cpi books deutschland's HQ Phone number is +49 30 403691721
  5. What is CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's revenue?
    Cpi books deutschland's revenue is 501m - 1b
  6. What is CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's company size?
    Cpi books deutschland's has 501 - 1000 people working.
  7. What is CPI BOOKS DEUTSCHLAND's official website? is official website of Cpi books deutschland.