TURKISH ELECTRICITY GENERATION & TRANSMISSION (TEAS) HAS BEEN DIVIDED INTO THREE SEPARATE ENTITIES AS TURKISH ELECTRICITY-TRANSMISSION COMPANY (TEIAS), ELECTRICITY GENERATION COMPANY (EUAS) AND TURKISH ELECTRICITY TRADING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY (TETAS) ON 01.10.2001. Electricity Generation Company that is one of them has 1.300 trillion TL paid capital and 14.037 employees. The state-owned company EUAS has taken up the responsibility of power plants which are not transferred to private companies. Additionally, it carries on as being sole owner of power plants whose operating rights have been transferred to private companies. In terms of supply security and other reasons, provided that approved by authorized entities, this company is going to build new power plants and operate them. This company (EUAS) has also taken up the responsibility of the operation of the hydraulic power plants constructed by Directorate-General of State Hydraulic Works (DSI). EUAS has 15 thermal power plants (9.113,9 MW), 4 subsidiaries (3.284 MW) and 107 hydraulic power plants (10.994,7) under its jurisdiction. The total installed capacity of the 15 thermal (9.113,9 MW) and 107 hydroelectric (10.994,7 MW) power plants is 20.108,6 Million kWh by the end of September 2004. The total generation of the same period was 47.822,0 Million kWh. (15.326,0 Million kWh thermal, 32.496,0 kWh hydroelectric generation); 42,8% of the total electricity generation(111.635,0 Million kWh) of Turkey. Afsin-Elbistan-A Thermal Power Plant (1355 MW), Bursa NGCCPP (1432 MW), Ambarl NGCCPP (1351 MW), Ataturk (2405 MW), Karakaya (1800 MW) and Keban (1330 MW) hydraulic power plants are some of the power plants operated by EUAS View More