Great Hyderabad Adventure Club is a Non Profit community group from Hyderabad city in the state of Telangana, South India consisting of like minded individuals who take part in outdoor adventure activities on all weekends of the year. Inception: Diyanat Ali who is the founder and chief organizer of the club developed an interest for adventure when he was a member of the NCC. Even after leaving the NCC he didnt let go of his love for adventure and turned it into a full fledged hobby. Together with a small group of friends Diyanat would go on regular treks and...
Trekking,adventure,hiking,backpacking,nature,environmental care,tree plantations,rock climbing,rafting,bouldering,and mountaineering
Great hyderabad adventure club - ghac operates in the Sports industry.
Great hyderabad adventure club - ghac's HQ phone number is +91 77299 88784
Great hyderabad adventure club - ghac's revenue is 1m - 10m
Great hyderabad adventure club - ghac has 10000+ employees.
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