What does LJUSDALS KOMMUN's do?
The local government of Ljusdal. The organisation is politically governed and handles all public welfare such as social welfare, education system, child care and public infrastructure and supports local business. The municipal council is the outmost responsible for the organisation who delegate to the municipal exucutive commitee, education commitee or the social welfare commitee. These three got all administrations handling...
What are Ljusdals kommun's specialities?
Social welfare
Public infrastructure.
What is LJUSDALS KOMMUN's industry?
Ljusdals kommun operates in
Government administration industry.
What is LJUSDALS KOMMUN's HQ phone number?
Ljusdals kommun's HQ Phone number is
+46 651 180 00
What is LJUSDALS KOMMUN's revenue?
Ljusdals kommun's revenue is
501m - 1b
What is LJUSDALS KOMMUN's company size?
Ljusdals kommun's has
1001 - 5000 people working.
What is LJUSDALS KOMMUN's official website?
www.ljusdal.se is official website of
Ljusdals kommun.