The Port of Halifax meets the needs of todays shipping, cargo and cruise operations, while building for the future. Initiatives are underway to increase the flow of goods and people through the Port of Halifax, increase efficiency and identify future opportunities. ----- Le Port dHalifax repond aux besoins daujourdhui en matiere de transport, de fret et de croisieres, sans pour autant oublier de se preparer pour lavenir. Des initiatives ont ete prises afin daugmenter la circulation des marchandises et des voyageurs a travers le Port dHalifax, de renforcer lefficience et didentifier les possibilites futures
Containerized cargo,bulk cargo,general cargo (breakbulk,ro/ro),cruise,and real estate
Port of halifax / port dhalifax operates in the Maritime industry.
Port of halifax / port dhalifax's HQ phone number is +90 24261597
Port of halifax / port dhalifax's revenue is 11m - 100m
Port of halifax / port dhalifax has 51 - 200 employees.
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