We were launched as an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) in 2004 to look after more than 11,000 homes on behalf of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council. We strive every day to provide an excellent housing service for our tenants and leaseholders. We want people to enjoy living in our homes. We work hard to ensure all our properties are well maintained. We were awarded an excellent three-star service rating from the Governments Audit Commission in 2008. We have recently completed an extensive energy conservation programme across more than 30 high rise buildings in north Solihull. This 25m+ project, carried out in conjunction with British Gas, has delivered warmer, better insulated homes that are more economical to heat. We are also one of the few ALMOs in the UK currently still building new homes. We have celebrated a number of these recently with special opening ceremonies. Our Home Options team offers advice and support to customers on our housing register who are looking to rent one of our properties. We also have a specialist team providing information to those people who present themselves to us as homeless. We are developing a series of commercial enterprises such as our new cleansing service, SCH Better Places. These new ventures will help generate additional income which we can then reinvest into our core social housing business View More