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Vastra Gotalandsregionen Logo

Vastra Gotalandsregionen

Government Administration

  • Revenue 1B+
  • Size 10000+
  • HQ Contact +46 70 663 09 18
  • Website

Region Vastra Gotaland is governed by democratically elected politicians and with just over 50,000 employees is one of Swedens biggest employers. It is tasked with offering good healthcare and dental care and providing the prerequisites for good public health, a rich cultural life, a good environment, jobs, research, education and good communications. All together, these provide a foundation for sustainable growth in Vastra Gotaland. Koncernen Vastra Gotalandsregionen finns till for manniskorna i Vastra Gotaland och for allt som ligger invanarna nara: jobb, utbildning, halso- och sjukvard, kultur och kommunikationer. Vastra Gotalandsregionen ska bidra till halsa och trygghet i vardagen och for ett livskraftigt Vastra Gotaland nu och i framtiden. Vi har ett gemensamt ansvar att se till den enskilda manniskans behov och till regionmedborgarnas samlade behov for att uppna visionen Det goda livet. Det gor vi inom vara tre ansvarsomraden: Halso- och sjukvard, tillvaxt och utveckling och kollektivtrafik. Koncernen har drygt 50 000 medarbetare som arbetar inom framforallt halso-och sjukvard men aven inom kollektivtrafik, kulturverksamhet, skolor, folktandvard, lokal- och fastighetsforvaltning och folkhalsofragor. Att arbeta i Vastra Gotalandsregionen gor avtryck hos manniskor, i samhallet och for framtiden. Lediga tjanster finns pa: View More

Sjukvård Regionutveckling View More

People working in Vastra Gotalandsregionen

Tomas Jonson
Product Owner Network Engineer... t***********@****** ********1958
Richard Karlsson
CIO IT Chef Vstra... r***************@****** ********6835
Richard Sjostrand
Chief Technology Officer r****************@****** ********7309
Richard Cederfjard
Development lead Business Intelligence... r*****************@****** ********8696
Helena Starfelt
NringslivschefHead of department h**************@****** ********6954
Lina Roseke
Head of departmentOmrdeschef Barn... l**********@****** ********3851
Annalena Alvekrans
Head Office a*****************@****** ********4831
Jahangir Khan
Project Leader in Health... j************@****** ********1903
Andreas Hylen
Head of Unified Communication... a************@****** ********1876
Viveca Reimers
Head of Sustainability department... v*************@****** ********5486
Hakan Dorsch
Test Leader consultant h***********@****** ********5918
Peter Edlund
Applikationsspecialist P***********@****** ********4366
Magnus Snackestrand
Clinical Project Lead m******************@****** ********7739
Helena Starfelt
NringslivschefHead of department h**************@****** ********4114
Christiana Vasan
Clinical Prosthetist Orthotist Section... c***************@****** ********6809
Henry Stromsten
Test Leader h**************@****** ********5551
Bjorne Hegefeldt
Head of Office Stockholm... b***************@****** ********9474
Raul Garcia
Lead Integration Architect r**********@****** ********6766
Noppamas Chaisomkhun
Test Lead Consultant n*******************@****** ********0740
Mats Lofquist
Head of purchasing unit... m************@****** ********6477
Bjorn Klockljung
Team Lead Senior UX... b***************@****** ********6655
Magnus Snackestrand
Clinical Project Lead for... m******************@****** ********6191
Sven Holmlund
Project Leader and IT... s************@****** ********9273
Anders Carlberg
head of department a**************@****** ********1644
Helena Sandberg
Production Lead communication and... h**************@****** ********4130
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Products & Technologies used at Vastra Gotalandsregionen

Power bi Canvas Github Opentype Flex Root Links Internet explorer
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Frequently asked questions about Vastra Gotalandsregionen

    Region Vastra Gotaland is governed by democratically elected politicians and with just over 50,000 employees is one of Swedens biggest employers. It is tasked with offering good healthcare and dental care and providing the prerequisites for good public health, a rich cultural life, a good environment, jobs, research, education and good communications. All together, these provide a foundation for sustainable...
  2. What are Vastra Gotalandsregionen's specialities?
    Sjukvård regionutveckling
  3. What is VASTRA GOTALANDSREGIONEN's industry?
    Vastra gotalandsregionen operates in Government administration industry.
  4. What is VASTRA GOTALANDSREGIONEN's HQ phone number?
    Vastra gotalandsregionen's HQ Phone number is +46 70 663 09 18
  5. What is VASTRA GOTALANDSREGIONEN's revenue?
    Vastra gotalandsregionen's revenue is 1b+
  6. What is VASTRA GOTALANDSREGIONEN's company size?
    Vastra gotalandsregionen's has 10000+ people working.
  7. What is VASTRA GOTALANDSREGIONEN's official website? is official website of Vastra gotalandsregionen.