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YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd Logo

YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd


  • Revenue 11M - 100M
  • Size 51 - 200
  • HQ Contact +90 212 603 62 61
  • Website

YBT Construction and Trade. Ltd. (hereinafter YBT ) with over 20 years of professional experience, established in 2006 for execution national and international construction projects; especially civil and military airports runways, aprons, helipads taxiways ( paving and repair of existing pavement ) and lighting systems, construction of the motorway and highways as a contractor and giving engineering&consultancy services. YBT Insaat ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. (ksaca YBT INSAAT) 15 yl askn mesleki deneyimiyle, ulusal ve uluslararas bircok insaat yapm projesinde; ozellikle sivil ve askeri havaalanlar pist,apron, taksiyolu ve aydnlatma sistemleri insaat, otoyol ve karayolu yapm ve kaplamal sahalarn yapm ve onarmnda, yuklenici, muhendislik hizmetleri ve musavirlik hizmetleri alannda hizmet vermek amacyla 2006 ylnda kurulmus ve 2011 ylnda mevcut yapsna kavusmustur. YBT Insaat agrlkl olarak askeri ve sivil havaclk tesisleri insasnda (pist, apron,taksiyolu, AGL aydnlatma sistemleri, akaryakt tesisleri), basta otoyol ve karayolu olmak uzere her turlu altyap islerinde (kaplamal saha olarak asfalt ve beton) konularnda muteahhitlik, dansmanlk, musavirlik, kontrolluk, proje yonetimi hizmetlerini surdurmektedir. YBT Insaat, uygulamalarnda uluslararas kalite sertifikas olan malzemelerin kullanmn esas alr ve en iyi sonuclar alabilmek icin, en yuksek nitelikte iscilik, malzeme ve makinelerle calsr. YBT Insaat, calsmalarn, malzeme temin firmalarnn dansmanlgnda ve kendi bunyesindeki uzman teknik elemanlarn gozetiminde titizlikle yapar. YBT Insaat, kuruldugu gunden bu yana hizmet verdigi musterilerinin memnuniyet ve destegiyle uzmanlk ve uygulama alann genisleterek ve gelistirerek calsmalarna devam etmektedir View More

airport construction road construction superstructure airfield ground lighting... Cogeneration-Trigeneration Systems Steel Structures Industrial Buildings Hangars Maintenance Bays... Rapid Hardening Concrete... Medical Equipment Supply... View More

People working in YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd

Mbeyhan Torun
Founder M************@******** ********8266
Erkan Gur
Project Manager E********@******** ********0270
Omer Celik
Site Manager O*********@******** ********1335
Halil Torun
Site Engineer H**********@******** ********9593
Kazm Aslan
Technical Office Engineer K*********@******** ********7704
Ferhat Elibol
dari ve Mali ler... F************@******** ********7627
Muhammet Ceyran
asc M**************@******** ********8430
Yusuf Dogan
Alet operatr y*****@******** ********4816
Ozan Keklik
Serbest meslek O**********@******** ********5158
Ibrahim Dikoglan
naat Mhendisi i********@******** ********4959
Ibrahim Dikoglan
naat Mhendisi i********@******** ********4935
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Products & Technologies used at YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd

Omega Alan Jquery Pegasus
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Frequently asked questions about YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd

    YBT Construction and Trade. Ltd. (hereinafter YBT ) with over 20 years of professional experience, established in 2006 for execution national and international construction projects; especially civil and military airports runways, aprons, helipads taxiways ( paving and repair of existing pavement ) and lighting systems, construction of the motorway and highways as a contractor and giving engineering&consultancy services. YBT Insaat...
  2. What are YBT Construction and Trade Co. Ltd's specialities?
    Airport construction , Road construction , , Superstructure , Airfield ground lighting , Cogeneration-trigeneration systems , Steel structures , Industrial buildings , Hangars maintenance bays , Rapid hardening concrete applications , Medical equipment supply
  3. What is YBT CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. LTD's industry?
    Ybt construction and trade co. ltd operates in Construction industry.
  4. What is YBT CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. LTD's HQ phone number?
    Ybt construction and trade co. ltd's HQ Phone number is +90 212 603 62 61
  5. What is YBT CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. LTD's revenue?
    Ybt construction and trade co. ltd's revenue is 11m - 100m
  6. What is YBT CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. LTD's company size?
    Ybt construction and trade co. ltd's has 51 - 200 people working.
  7. What is YBT CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. LTD's official website? is official website of Ybt construction and trade co. ltd.