OUR VISION : By introducing and designing new digital and technical tools, we are leading a transformation and improvement of know-how within the Group. BYTECH is a strategic community that supports the Bouygues group towards models that are increasingly in line with the future prospects and needs of our customers. Big data, IoT, LowTech, Cloud computing, IT security ... So many future challenges on which the BYTECH community works daily. OUR VALUES : BYTECH is the center of emergence of innovation but also the entity carrying disruptive solutions. Curious, tech-savvy, communicative and bold: we innovate, design, adapt, and evaluate our solutions from the field and implement them. Very close to the business teams, we collaborate to design solutions adapted to their needs. In accordance with our demand for excellence and the Groups values, we develop our projects using new, agile methods that are better adapted to the challenges of our modern world. Our projects are co-built with leading international partners. If you want to participate in the construction of our world of tomorrow, join the Bouygues Groups BYTECH community View More