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Cantieri Capelli S.r.l Logo

Cantieri Capelli S.r.l


  • Revenue 11M - 100M
  • Size 51 - 200
  • HQ Contact +39 0372 491399
  • Website

Established in 1974, the Capelli Boatyard at Spinadesco (Cremona, Northern Italy) has since become one of the leading manufacturers of small- to medium-sized boats. It was Davide Capellis love for the River Po, together with his limitless creativity, that gave him the impetus to set up a new business. He started out by building flat-keel riverboats out of fiberglass, and was soon joined by his young son, Umberto, who concentrated on designing and building new types of canoe intended for use in competitions. The turning point came at the Genoa Boat Show in 1986, when the Capelli Boatyard unveiled the first 4.7 meter Fisherman it was rapturously received. In 1992, the company diversified its manufacturing to produce a line of fiberglass-keel inflatable boats which have gone on to win a substantial share of the market. The boatyard currently manufactures 16 different models of fiberglass boat and 29 different inflatable boats.The success of the ever-evolving Capelli Boatyard can be attributed to two principal factors: the consistent quality of the boats themselves and the forward-looking organizational structure of the company. RIBS DIVISION_Tempest - Luxury line: TE 44 - TE 40 - TE 38 - Top line: TE 1000 WA - TE 1000 Sun - TE 900 WA - TE 900 Sun - TE 850 WA - TE 850 Sun - TE 800 - TE 775 - TE 770 WA - TE 770 - TE 700 Sun - TE 650 - TE 600 - TE 570 - TE 530 - TE 470 - TE 430 - Yacht tender line: TE 460 - TE 410 - TE 360 - TE 340 - Tender line: TE 340 LE - TE 360 - TE 310 - TE 275 - TE 250 - TE 220 - Easy line: TE 625 Easy - TE 570 Easy - TE 505 Easy - TE 425 Easy - Apnea: Apnea 70 - Apnea 51 - Work line: TE 900 Work - TE 750 Work - TE 700 Work - TE 625 Work - TE 560 Work - TE 500 Work - TE 430 Work BOATS DIVISION - Cap line: Cap 32 WA - Cap 28 WA - Cap 25 WA - Cap 25 - Cap 21.5 WA - Cap 21 - Cap 20.5 - Cap 19 - Cap 520 - Cristal 450 - Cristal 400 - Freedom line: Freedom 24 - Freedom 20 - Freedom 18 - Freedom 16 - Dino line: Dino 26 - Dino 23 - Osia 315 View More

Inflatable ribs manufacturer... Boats manufacturer Pleasure craft manufacturer... Custom Ribs GRP lamination GRP infusion View More

People working in Cantieri Capelli S.r.l

Matteo Riccardi
Techincal office manager Marine... m**************@************** ********0393
Stefania Gualazzi
Export and marketing Manager... s*****************@************** ********6701
Stefania Nicoletta
Export Manager s*****************@************** ********4785
Riccardo Martinelli
Production Specialist r******************@************** ********8122
Luca Cervini
Manutentore mezzi di trasporto... l***********@************** ********2846
Mohamed Zairi
lectricien M************@************** ********5178
Andrea Pellegrini
Technical Designer a****************@************** ********7970
Elisabetta Reggiani
impiegata e******************@************** ********7181
Khoubayb Hcini
Controle qualite k*************@************** ********7425
Cantieri Srl
Inflatable Ribs Boats Manufacturer... c***********@************** ********5325
Andrea Cominetti
Tecnico della grafica pubblicitaria... a***************@************** ********2030
Helmi Ayadi
Montage dlectroniquebateau de plaisance... h**********@************** ********2620
Lazreg Mohamed
Technicien electronique de bateau... l*************@************** ********6679
Lisa Bandera
Sales Department l***********@************** ********5626
Khobayeb Hsini
Contrle qualit k*************@************** ********3756
Dario Benecchi
Installatore tecnico motori marini... d*************@************** ********3621
Leonardo Bocchetti
Laureato l*****************@************** ********9074
Edoardo Sordini
Responsabile di reparto e**************@************** ********2848
Bichou Talyani
Technicien b*************@************** ********8030
Khouloud Abidi
Technicienne suprieure en plastique... k*************@************** ********7601
Dario Benecchi
Installatore tecnico motori marini... d*************@************** ********7350
Greta Bonfanti
Responsabile acquisti g*************@************** ********7718
Gabriella Lena
Piccolo imprenditore g*************@************** ********1079
Lazreg Amine
Technicien electronique du bateau... l***********@************** ********8334
Rebecca Capelli
Impiegato dufficio r**************@************** ********8337
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Products & Technologies used at Cantieri Capelli S.r.l

Products used at CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L
Google analytics Animate Board Canvas Flash player Flex Jquery Max Origin Root Wordpress
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Frequently asked questions about Cantieri Capelli S.r.l

  1. What does CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's do?
    Established in 1974, the Capelli Boatyard at Spinadesco (Cremona, Northern Italy) has since become one of the leading manufacturers of small- to medium-sized boats. It was Davide Capellis love for the River Po, together with his limitless creativity, that gave him the impetus to set up a new business. He started out by building flat-keel riverboats out of fiberglass, and...
  2. What are Cantieri Capelli S.r.l's specialities?
    Inflatable ribs manufacturer , Boats manufacturer , Pleasure craft manufacturer , Custom ribs , Grp lamination , Grp infusion
  3. What is CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's industry?
    Cantieri capelli s.r.l operates in Shipbuilding industry.
  4. What is CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's HQ phone number?
    Cantieri capelli s.r.l's HQ Phone number is +39 0372 491399
  5. What is CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's revenue?
    Cantieri capelli s.r.l's revenue is 11m - 100m
  6. What is CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's company size?
    Cantieri capelli s.r.l's has 51 - 200 people working.
  7. What is CANTIERI CAPELLI S.R.L's official website? is official website of Cantieri capelli s.r.l.