With more than 1,400 employees at 49 international locations - 16 of them in Germany - the COSMO CONSULT Group, founded in 1996, is one of the worlds leading providers of Microsoft-based industry and end-to-end business solutions. A comprehensive portfolio of products and consulting services enables the software and consulting company to seamlessly map complex business processes, regardless of the industry. These solutions are based on the Microsoft Technology Stack, which includes platforms for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Data & Analytics or Modern Workplace. On the basis of this uniform technology and common data storage, individual overall solutions are created that network different apps, departments, locations and supply chains. When it comes to digital business models, new products or more efficient processes, intelligent technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) or mixed reality are playing an increasingly important role. COSMO CONSULT accompanies companies through the digital transformation and develops forward-looking Industry 4.0 solutions together with renowned industry partners. However, digitization is not an end in itself. The success of projects depends primarily on people. It is they who work with the new technologies and for whom the modern, digital environment opens up opportunities. Business Consulting is therefore one of the fastest growing business areas of the COSMO CONSULT Group. Business designers and business consultants ensure that digitization projects are implemented successfully and that people in the company understand the changes, adapt their way of thinking and live digitization sustainably. COSMO CONSULTs solutions are used by classic medium-sized companies as well as large international corporations or innovative start-ups from the e-commerce environment. Imprint: https://www.cosmoconsult.com/imprint View More