The Crescent Spa & Resorts is the most popular destination on the map of Central India, where services is anything you want it to be. Crescent Spa & Resorts is situtated in the premises of the very famous Crescent Water Park which is the most loved and preferred tourist destination of Indore. It offeres th eperfect ambience for just everything that defines luxury indulgence. The Crescent Spa & Resorts, the super luxury resort sprawled over an area of lush greenery with Elegant decor, breathtaking expanse and superb hospitality. The crescent is everything you would expect from a luxury hotel. Exquisitely designed, with all rooms overlooking the expanse of a large pool and more. Whatever you need from a holiday or a business trip - the Crescent Spa & Resorts is the place to be. Relax at a place close to Indore, so you really do not waste much time or connectivity for rest. A place to experience a peaceful stay and scenic beauty which can help you to be friendlier, relaxed and get back to work with renewed energy. The establishment of one of the finest resorts ever created near Indore is a combination of great vision, great skill, and great fortune. However, the most civilized pleasures are within immediate reach. Every element at Crescent is an extension of its setting. All of the luxuries and amenities at Crescent have been carefully conceived to reflect what is expected of a renowned resort. But most importantly, all of thisthe stunning location and environment, the world-class management and facilities, the design of the buildings and groundsaims to inspire and renew those who experience Crescent View More