Falkirk Community Trust is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status and was established by Falkirk Council. On 1 July 2011 the company assumed responsibility for the management and operation of a range of community facing sport, recreation, arts, heritage and library services. As a not-for-profit organisation we strive to support community aspirations, deliver inspiring services and ensure that the experiences we offer provide equality of opportunity and access for all. We deliver: Arts: Falkirk Town Hall, Hippodrome, town halls, film, theatre and exhibition programmes, box office services, arts development and creative learning. Heritage: Callendar House and Teashop at the Stables, Kinneil Museum, Birkhill Clay Mine, heritage exhibitions, heritage learning, archaeology, archives and local history services. Libraries: public libraries, information, reference and reader development services, Mobile and Homebound services. Fitness: Circuit Club gyms and fitness classes, healthy lifestyle programmes, Lets Make Falkirk More Active. Sport: sports centres, ski slope, sports pitches, sports events, sports development classes and courses, Active Schools programme. Parks: Callendar Park, Kinneil Estate, Muiravonside Country Park and Farm, parks and community events Outdoors: Grangemouth golf course, outdoor activities and learning programmes, countryside ranger services View More