What does HECTRONIC GMBH's do?
We offer innovative and user-friendly solutions for e-mobility, parking and refueling. Not matter if payment and authorization systems or monitoring and management of data our hardware, software and cloud systems ensure forward-looking solutions! With our production site in Bonndorf (Black Forest, Germany), additional subsidiaries in Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Poland and India as well as 90 sales and service partners,...
What are Hectronic GmbH's specialities?
Parking space management
Filling station management
Filling level management
Payment services
Data monitoring
What is HECTRONIC GMBH's industry?
Hectronic gmbh operates in
Electrical/electronic manufacturing industry.
What is HECTRONIC GMBH's HQ phone number?
Hectronic gmbh's HQ Phone number is
+49 7703 93880
What is HECTRONIC GMBH's revenue?
Hectronic gmbh's revenue is
101m - 500m
What is HECTRONIC GMBH's company size?
Hectronic gmbh's has
201 - 500 people working.
What is HECTRONIC GMBH's official website?
www.hectronic.com is official website of
Hectronic gmbh.