What does MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's do?
MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.p.A. is a pioneering project in the Yachting World that breaks new ground. Genuinely Italian in its management, designers and artisanal skills, supported by the industrial strengths of French group Beneteau - the uncontested global leader in the production of sailboats, 2nd world boat manufacturer and among the 5 world power top players - Monte Carlo Yachts...
What is MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's industry?
Monte carlo yachts s.p.a operates in
Shipbuilding industry.
What is MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's HQ phone number?
Monte carlo yachts s.p.a's HQ Phone number is
+39 0481 283111
What is MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's revenue?
Monte carlo yachts s.p.a's revenue is
101m - 500m
What is MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's company size?
Monte carlo yachts s.p.a's has
201 - 500 people working.
What is MONTE CARLO YACHTS S.P.A's official website?
www.montecarloyachts.it is official website of
Monte carlo yachts s.p.a.